Relative Engineering

A collection of ramblings, thoughts & code snippets

About Me

Who am I?

A Leader, Technologist, Polyglot Programmer and generally a bit of a geek. I help teams to engineer great software, write quality code and to utilise the most appropriate language and toolset to solve the problem.

I've spent the last 15 years working across several business domains, in a variety of business sizes from small startups to large corporates, turning disruptive technological ideas into code...

See my profile...


Latest Blog

Jenkins Pipeline With Dynamic User Input

Jenkins CI Groovy

I am a big advocate of continuous integration and delivery, however there are times when you don’t want an automatic release of an artifact to a given environment, for example; perhaps you are doing a specific long running performance test, or you need to manually ensure a specific new feature is ready in the sales or demo environment. Can these parameters be loaded dynamically, let’s find out…
