Relative Engineering

A collection of ramblings, thoughts & code snippets

Jenkins Pipeline With Dynamic User Input

Jenkins CI Groovy

I am a big advocate of continuous integration and delivery, however there are times when you don’t want an automatic release of an artifact to a given environment, for example; perhaps you are doing a specific long running performance test, or you need to manually ensure a specific new feature is ready in the sales or demo environment. Can these parameters be loaded dynamically, let’s find out…


New Relic Instrumentation for Kafka

Kafka Docker JVM New Relic JMX

New Relic does not offer direct instrumentation of a Kafka cluster, there are no extensions nor plugins that allow you to see the health and monitor the state of the Kafka Cluster. The team at New Relic have provided guidance on how to monitor producer and consumers with a great blog titled Kafkapocalypse.


MacOSX Developer Setup

Developer MacOSX Shell Package Mangers

So configuring a new Mac is a right pain and a time consuming task at that, having done this several times over the past few months, I thought id write down the important content. It will be useful for myself but hopefully some else too.


Jekyll on Github Pages

Blogging Html Jekyll Github

Having a personal brand is important and having given several talks and written several blogs, I wanted a single place to keep and present the content. I looked at several options including Wordpress, Medium, hosting a page on google sites, having a single github repo with a wiki to even creating an app from the ground up, then I remembered Jekyll …
